Sunday, July 5, 2009

Is The Family Reunion September 12, 2009???

The Fourth of July was spent with the family. The tradition continues and I'M LOVIN IT! I like spending time with my family -- holiday or no holiday. We will find a way or a day to get together to eat. With that in mind, I'd like to share a thought. The Fourth of July is all about barbeque and the "barbeque queen" did an excellent job. It was some of the best she's done this year. You go, Toyia! Good food always leads to good conversation. Old stories were told and new memories were created and NOTES were taken, so I'll put them together for another post. At the end of the day, a fun time was had by all. Will we have a chance to do the same at the family reunion? Well, I've been told it will be the second weekend in September. Since various relatives have talked about this amongst themselves, I decided to check this out, for myself. I placed a call to Armon, but he didn't answer and I left a voice message. It's time to know the plan and make the necessary arrangements to attend. I hope to learn something soon. As always -- when I know more, you'll know more. Who are the folks in this set of pics? A few Cooleys and a few Johnsons -- The Fam.

Happy Birthday Fatts!!! The Terrible 2's Are Here!

With a face like this you feel nothing but love for him. Each time I look a picture of "Fatts", I can't help but smile. Such a cute kid (yeah, I said it) with a cool disposition. This young man is the great grandson of Eugene and Helen Cooley. To my little cousin Jordan, I wish you a very Happy Birthday. Hey Justin and Libby, give him a lot of cake, ice cream, candy and cookies on his special day :-)