Sunday, November 10, 2013

Ethyl's Birthday

Ethyl Johnson Cooley - circa 1920s
Great-Grandma Ethyl was born one hundred and fourteen years ago today in Vandalia, Missouri to Edward and Pinky Johnson.  She was ahead of her time and most certainly can be described as a phenomenal woman.

This Journey...

Richard, Loretta and Lou
 I had a dream about my Dad last night, which was the first time I've dreamed about him since his death.  It was very comforting to see and talk to him in my dream.  I never doubted he was "okay or in a good place," but the dream reassured me all is well.

I've learned so much about myself, my relationship with Dad and the relationship with members of my family and friends, since he took his last breath on September 14.  I have a better understanding of my FAITH as well.  For you see, FAITH is the one and only thing that allows you to continue to move forward.  Hoping/wishing/expecting people to be supportive in trying times will only add more grief to the grief one goes through when a loved one dies.  Trust me, this I know all too well.  Some of the people I thought would be there jumped ship quickly and hurriedly.  Granted - we all have lives to life, places to go, things to see, etc.  But as my friend Rodney explained, "It's like making a deposit in the bank.  You expect to be able to make a withdrawal at a time when it's needed, only to learn you can't."  That best describes how I feel.  I've been (and I'm not tooting my horn - I'm stating truth) supportive and encouraging to people in times when they needed a shoulder, an ear, money, a HEART.  I turned to them when I needed an ear, a heart to discover they couldn't be found.  No phone call, no text message, no love.  That's a hard pill to swallow, but I did.  I have a greater understanding and know how to proceed from this moment on.  To those that were there, those that offered encouragement, love, laughter or an ear to listen to me - there is no possible way to thank you enough.  I don't have anything nice to say about the others, so I'll STFU.

Dad and Mom out and about with a couple of friends - 1960s
One thing I noticed not long after Dad died was how he always showed me he loved me.  Dad wasn't one to say, "I Love You" very often, but he did show me he loved me all my life.  So many events over the years I had forgotten came forward at that time and are still coming forward today.  Two days before he died we had a good conversation.  One where we could express our feelings, one that let him know how much I loved him, and one where he told me he loved me.  I will always remember that chance we had to talk, to say to the each other, "I Love You."  I'm grateful we had that time together to make clear how we felt. There wasn't any doubt, but saying and hearing the words brings comfort to me.
My Dad
It will soon be two months since Dad died and I find this journey without him to simply BE.  There are days when I'm okay, doing fine, not having any difficulties at all.  The days when it's so hard and painful are the ones that force me to recall the good times that much more.  I found laughter to be the key to help me deal with Dad's death.  I've cracked jokes and laughed my way through some emotionally draining days.  With that said - it's still a new way of life in which I must learn to live.  I'll be honest, I didn't think I would miss him so much, but I do.  I've heard many, many, many, many, many times about how he's in a better place. How the body, the human experience is what has passed.  The soul/spirit/essence of  him lives on.  Uh huh - I know.  That doesn't stop me from missing him.  Not one bit.
moments with My Dad
So I pick myself, dust myself off, get it together and keep on keeping on.  I've said this before and I will say it again, FAITH is what will see you through the difficult times.  Your family and friends can't always (and in some cases they simply don't give a shit) be there when you need them.  I've learned to accept people for who they are, what they are and where they are - period.  This is what I've done and this is what I will do from this moment forward.  Yes, Dad's death taught me many things about myself and others.  These are the "lessons of life" you'll never forget.  Keep your head up!

Saturday, July 27, 2013


Venice Beach

Late afternoon

This is nice.  I like it!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Cousin Anna Belle

Anna Belle Burns Lytes Harris
One of the "finds" I came across when going thru a box.  I came across cousin Anna Belle's scrapbook.  I've seen this book many times over the years, but it took on a new significance this time.  As I flipped the pages I saw (for the first time ever) Anna Belle's life unfolding.  Times spent with family and friends, at home and traveling, holidays and special occasions are all right here.  In my hands I held Anna Belle and the family's history.  I have no clue who many of the folks in the scrapbook may be but I recognized known relatives.  Our own "flapper" created a book of photographs that gives a peek into a few of the many years of her full life. I'm grateful to have and share a rediscovered piece of family history.

Anna Belle

Oh Yeah!!

"Paradise is being where you want to be and doing what you enjoy doing."
"Summertime...and the livin' is easy..." Having a few months off in the Summer makes all the difference in the world. Like many people, I used to work a twelve month schedule.  Holidays, personal days and vacation time included.  Pretty nice and financially rewarding.  Life brings about change, people change and nothing ever stays the same. Change is good.  My twelve month schedule became a ten month schedule. This is my fourth year of having a two month summertime vacation.  I will quote myself, "This is nice. I like it."

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day 2013

Anthony, Wendy and son Blake

The slide show in this post was created in 2010. There are some men not included, for they weren't fathers at time. Others were omitted not by choice, but simply because I didn't have pictures of them or their children. To ALL of the fathers/grandfathers and anyone that has assumed the paternal role in a child's life - I extend to you a Happy Father's Day. Your love, strength and support makes a world of difference. Much respect to those mothers that are taking on both roles and single-handedly caring for their families.  Have a good GREAT day everyone!
Grandpa Tony and Miquela

 Press the play button to view the slide show.

Monday, May 27, 2013

I've Known This Wonderful Woman Longer Than Anyone And I Love Her

A YOUNG Timothy Scott
 A few years back I decided I should celebrate my day of arrival with my Mom.  It made very good sense to me. Mom should get something for my birthday.  Yes, she should receive SOMETHING for all her hard work. Recognition for "...a job well done" in giving LIFE to me. 
Me & Mom, Mom & Me 5/2013
I was the one that doctor's said wouldn't make it and forty-seven years later I'm still here.  It proves some doctors don't always know what the hell they're talking about, but I digress.  Mom gave birth to me and I want to show my appreciation.

Me & Mom, Mom & Me 1967
It's not bragging, but Mom does enjoy my cooking.  She'll tell anyone that will listen how much she likes the food I prepare.  So I'm cooking her dinner (still not sure what that will be) and dessert.  I couldn't decide which I wanted more, so I'm baking a 7UP cake and a chocolate cake with chocolate butter cream frosting.  Yep, two cakes.  I'm doing it all for my mother to say, "Thanks Mom, I appreciate all that you've done and you're my favorite Mom because you're my only Mom."  It goes without saying how much I Love My Mom, but I will say, "I Love My Mom very much."  Thanks Mom!!!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mothers Day - 2013

I don't know when, but I stopped getting caught up in the whole commercialization of Mothers Day.  Let's face it; it's all about spending money.  Money spent in the form of a card, flowers, candy, balloons - something.  Those are fine for those that want to give them as gifts.  I prefer the gift of food and will prepare a meal for Mom.  A few years back I made a slide show of the mothers and their children.  It was my way to honor the women of the family.  We've added new mothers to the family since I made this in 2010.  Much love and respect to all our Moms. Take a moment to enjoy the pics.

press the > button to view the clip

Friday, April 5, 2013

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Church On The Hill


Members of this family have worshiped in homes of various denominations throughout the years.  As for Veltirea and her children, the chosen faith without hesitation or discussion was Baptist, period.  I was never discouraged from asking questions about religions.  There are notable differences but similarities as well.  I will say there wasn't much discussion about Catholicism in my family.  In fact, let's say there was none. My parents and grandparents never took me to the Cathedral of Saint Paul. It was a BIG church we passed on our journeys of the day.  It was a mystery and I wanted to solve it.  I wanted to go inside the church.  My time eventually arrived to walk through the doors. I was studying architectural and engineering technology at Saint Paul Technical Vocational Institute - TVI (what is present day Saint Paul College) and given an assignment to visit this behemoth of a church structure.  I'll say it's big for Midwest standards.  Up close I saw this mysterious place in a different light.  I found the exterior to be dirty and old.  The interior was cold, large and rigid.  Not quite what I envisioned in all the years I saw it from a passing vehicle.
The Cathedral of Saint Paul         

This is the Cathedral live and in color on a rainy Saturday morning in March. Some years back the entire structure was refurbished.  I must admit the building looks much better now.   Feel free to take a look at the website for the church.

Time To Do This

Iowa Cooley -- 5th Generation
Hey!!  I did take a pause for the cause.  I didn't realize how long it's been since I posted something here.  I may have been inactive for a moment, but this blog is alive and kicking.  Writing posts for Tim's Tales and Stories is the one thing I can say I enjoy doing without hesitation.  Sharing the family history and pictures is of paramount importance to me and there's more to come. The best way to know the history of this family is to tell the tales that have been told to me.  I'm on it.  We've got a big birthday celebration approaching for Mom.  That gathering of family ensures a fun time will be had by all.  There's more coming.  Just'll see.