Friday, February 25, 2011

Happy Birthday, Kevin

I don't have my days mixed up. Today is Kevin's birthday. I know the picture was taken at Christmas time in the 1960's, but I couldn't wait until Christmas to share this picture. I found this "cute kid" pic while paging thru some of the UNRULEY one's photo albums. This is our Kevin (and brother Michael)at a very young age.
This is our Kevin now. Another year older, wiser and better. Happy Birthday, Kevin. Much peace, many blessings and an abundance of love - today and everyday.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


A little fun with some Cooley Cousins.

WARNING - Cute Kid Alert!!!

I had to take a moment from my vacation and post this. Neveah Grace, for those that need a score card, is Lacy and Aggie Cooley's great-great-great-great granddaughter; George and Mary Cooley's great-great-great granddaughter; Edward and Ethyl Cooley's great-great granddaughter; Eugene and Helen Cooley's great granddaughter. Proud grandparents Larry and Seretha love this little bundle of beauty. Anyone that knows me knows I am not particularly fond of children. I'm being honest here. Somehow when they're related to you, you have a totally different feeling. As you can see, this little one has captured her big cousin's (that's me) heart. It is easy to see she gets her beauty from her mother, Keyaria. I'll keep on saying it, there are no ugly people in my family. Okay, some got some ugly personalities, but they still look good. This Cooley Cousin is definitely a pretty one.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Welcome Home

It has been several years, but I have returned to the place I considered my second home. I can attest that everything must change. While driving around the city this evening, I've noticed growth within the little community where I spend much of my time. New business popped up in the three years since my last visit. I can't wait to see how things look in the light of day. Yes, L.A. has always felt like home. I'm glad to be here once again. I'm sure I'll have some tales to tell, since I'm spending some time with the "UNRULEY" one. Let me say this, she is a WILD GIRL like her song says. I recall someone saying years ago, "...wild women don't get the blues." "UNRULEY" don't do the blues, y'all.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Looky here, I got something to say... A Message For Christina "Dirrty" Aguilera

I was sitting here, minding my own self-business, and then IT happened. I heard this announcement, "Ladies and Gentlemen, singing our National Anthem, Christina Aguilera." I instinctively knew she was going to mangle the Star Spangled Banner. Oh yeah, I was on point. That chick MURDERED it. Not that she would ever read this blog, but I do have a message for her. "Listen dear, I realize SOMEBODY done told you wrong. I feel the need to make things right. I'm going tell you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but, so help me... You sucked at singing The National Anthem. Check this out - take a moment or two to listen to Whitney, then listen to Marvin perform it. That's all - just listen. Don't ever, ever, NEVER, ever, ever, ever, ever, never, EVER do that song again. Stick with what you know. I still like you and you can feel free to ask me for advice at any time. All my years in the business can be beneficial to you." As I said, SHE won't read it, but maybe, just maybe thru six degrees of separation, someone will tell her what I said. You never know?!?!? I found this version of our National Anthem performed by the late Marvin Gaye, and his daughter Nona. It's good y'all.

Getting dirtty - that's what Christina should stick to doing. Always, always go with what you know and what works best for you. You do you, Boo!