Friday, July 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Justin!!!

If I'm certain of one thing, I know my "little" cousin is going to enjoy celebrating his birthday. Don't let the kewl exterior fool you. This man likes to have a good time and ensure all around him are doing the same. It's safe to save a fun time will be had by all. Happy Birthday, Justin. Much peace, many blessings and an abundance of love - today and every day.

I'd Like To Say...

A big HELLO from me. I enjoy writing so much. I started this blog as a way to share family stories and information. That's the problem. With so much information; documents, photographs, census information, it's not so easy to sit and write about one person. There are so many from which to choose. I want to include (especially for the members that are no longer with us) as much documentation as possible. I promise there will be more family stories and pictures in the near future. As always continue to check the blog every couple of days. You just never know when I'll post some tales of the fam.