Saturday, February 19, 2011


A little fun with some Cooley Cousins.

WARNING - Cute Kid Alert!!!

I had to take a moment from my vacation and post this. Neveah Grace, for those that need a score card, is Lacy and Aggie Cooley's great-great-great-great granddaughter; George and Mary Cooley's great-great-great granddaughter; Edward and Ethyl Cooley's great-great granddaughter; Eugene and Helen Cooley's great granddaughter. Proud grandparents Larry and Seretha love this little bundle of beauty. Anyone that knows me knows I am not particularly fond of children. I'm being honest here. Somehow when they're related to you, you have a totally different feeling. As you can see, this little one has captured her big cousin's (that's me) heart. It is easy to see she gets her beauty from her mother, Keyaria. I'll keep on saying it, there are no ugly people in my family. Okay, some got some ugly personalities, but they still look good. This Cooley Cousin is definitely a pretty one.