Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Maurice Is Eighteen

Happy 18th birthday to Toyia Lynn's baby, Maurice.  

 It goes without saying, but your family loves you very much.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Photos by Maria E!

Looking out
Photography is something many in this family enjoy and do well.  I saw this picture by Maria Elena and knew it had to be posted to the blog.  That woman has an incredible eye.  I like what she's able to capture in her photographs.  Yep, she another talented member of this family.  
I like her subjects

Great piece of old "current" events

Music never dies

This old house

I'm impressed with all of her pics.  There are many more on her facebook page and I'd really like to post more.  I have a feeling there will be another posting of her pictures in the future.  Keep taking great pictures, Maria.  I'm loving them!

Monday, September 3, 2012

I Laid Down My Burden

Raspberry Island on the Mississippi River
Sunday morning I decided to take a walk around my neighborhood.  One of the places I explored was Raspberry Island.  I've been there many times before, but it's usually to walk around, look at the river and move on.  I did things differently this time.  I actually spent time sitting by and enjoying the views of the river and city from the island.  I'm glad I did.  Being near water is always something I liked to do.  River, lakes or oceans; being near water is something I never grow tired of doing.
Live on stage

It was one of those unplanned events that was a good one.  I will be doing it again before the cold weather sets in.  A fun time was had by me.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Nightlife

I do enjoy the view.

Moonshadow, Moonshadow...

Early morning moon shining brightly
So the past couple of mornings I've been awake to check out the "Blue Moon."  It's important to take a moment or two and check out the world in which we live.  This picture doesn't show very well, but the Moon was a beautiful sight to behold.

Please Take A Look...

He's the MAN

I know this is typically where I would write about family stories or share one of my own.  I had to share this.  I have no idea how many will see this, but if ONE person views this clip it's worth it.  I cannot stress the importance of how we should PAY ATTENTION and not get caught up in the okie doke. 

Check it out.  You may learn something you didn't know was right in front of your eyes.

I wore this in 2008 and I intend to wear it again in 2012.

Monday, July 9, 2012


In the state of Minnesota you can receive a summons to serve on jury duty IF you are a licensed driver, have been issued a state identification card or you're a registered voter.  I qualify for two out of the three, so I received a summons in May.  That time wasn't good for me. I don't mind doing my civic duty and all that good stuff.  I postponed until July, which worked better for my schedule.

When I received the summons I noticed the directive in BOLD CAPS informing prospective jurors to leave communication devices (phones, pagers and pda's) at home.  I didn't like that part but those are the rules.  Uh huh - yeah right!  Though instructed to leave them home, some people brought their phones, used their phones AND they were loud when they did!  If asked to guess I'm sure some would say those people were from the hood, because it's believed hood folks never follow rules and are always loud.  WRONG ANSWER!  I watched as a few business men and woman whipped out their phones and began using them. You know the type that believe they're PRIVILEGED or entitled?  I tried to ignore it, but one joker - MR ANDERSEN insisted on letting me and the rest of the prospective jurors in the pool know all his business by speaking loudly into his phone. I wasn't there for all of that noise.  I cared less than a damn about his agenda or clients and I didn't want to hear it. I decided to ask the two Ramsey County employees in charge of this three ring circus about the usage of phones.  I approached their office, knocked, opened the door and stepped inside.


The world was totally different behind that door.  It was cooler and quiet!  MR ANDERSEN, Susie, Megan, Holly, Becky, Crissy and Peter weren't in there running their mouths on their cell phones.  I asked the civil servants for some clarity on the no phones policy.  "We try to enforce the rule, but some don't comply.  We will take their phones before they enter the courtroom," said Miss Lady sitting behind the desk.  To which I replied, "So someone like me, that follows that rules, has to listen to the dumb-asses (Yes, those are my words) that didn't follow the rules?"  She shrugged her shoulders and repeated the answer.  I didn't like her answer the first time and the second time it kinda pissed me off.  I gave my standard, "Oh - okay" and out the door I went to reclaim my seat in the jury assembly room.  I made certain to give MR ANDERSEN one last extended mean look and sat down.  I picked up my book continued reading about my hometown's past with notable criminals.

My two books

I'm not sure how much time passed, but the next thing to happen was the calling of names for a case.  Several names were called, including MR ANDERSEN.  HA!  The big mouth had to shut it up and get off the phone.  Phones had to be turned in before being escorted to the courtroom.  He didn't appear to be too happy at that time. He turned off and turned in his phone before leaving to sit on a case.  Meanwhile, yours truly was excused for the rest of the day.  I found this to be a form of justice well served.  I'm going back tomorrow.  We shall see what it will be.

The next day I was asked by the by the jury room supervisor, "Did you bring your phone?"  Huh? Say what?!?!?  I'm the only one to follow rules and dude asks me if I BROUGHT MY PHONE???  Oh hell to the nah!  I looked him dead in his eye and said, "No, I didn't.  I paid attention to the rules and left my phone at home."  This is what he said, "I told you yesterday you could bring your phone.  It's fine for you to bring it.  If you're called for a case we'll take it from you at that time.  You mentioned your elderly parents yesterday (Oh, I did say if I had elderly parents and left my phone at home and couldn't contact them, it would seem all others should leave their phones at home.  I forgot I told him that.) and it would be okay for you to have your phone to stay in touch with them."  I stood there blinking.  I didn't think he listened to what I said the day before.  Yes, I thought wrong.  It was obvious I didn't listen to him.  

I showed up at the courthouse for three days, checked in each day, was asked if I brought my phone (each time I said I did not), read my book and was home by 12:00pm.  I wasn't called for a case and that was fine with me.  I did as I had been instructed to do and all went well.  I think it was within a week of completing jury duty that I received a check in the mail for my services.  All in all the experience was a good one.

 ...and I got mileage!


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Monday Morning Moon

                                                                Monday, June 4 at 3:00am

Sunday, April 29, 2012

It's Janet, Miss Jackson If You're Nasty

This is a good mix!  Check it out and get ready to move your body.

And Life Is Like A Song

I had been wondering what I would write?  How it would be told?  Which family member would be the focus of the story?  I found my inspiration on facebook.  When I read Jen's post I knew she would be the person I wanted to spotlight.   Funny thing is I didn't have to write a word.  She told her story much better than I ever could. I simply copied and pasted what she had written.  To my Cousin Jen,  keep doing that thing you do oh so well - SUCCEEDING IN LIFE!

P.S. - I think you can sing this song with conviction when you get that third degree!!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Cousin Jen

It can be said the women of this family and strong and determined. There are many stories of perseverance and achievement in every generation.   Here's a story about one of those strong women. This is Jen's story in her own words.  "TWO college degrees & on my way to receive THIRD, (shortly) not too bad for a "teen mom", if I do say so myself! I DID NOT participate in the MTV's series "teen mom", expect EVERYTHING for free! I DID receive child support for one child ('till HE gave up parental rights but have NEVER received any support for the other 2 girls!) I DO NOT condone teenage pregnancy (it's a living HELL to all girls who may reading this post) I took the hard road with help from my mamma Ethel, BUT I made it work, maybe it was 2 steps forward & 3 steps back, (a lot on the way since 1992!) On my way I have encountered racism, alcoholism, & divorcisim! (I just made that word up, HA!) but Don't EVER let someone tell you what you CAN & CAN'T DO-... Believe in YOURSELF and do what YOU ARE WILLING TO DO! With faith all things are possible, if it wasn't for my girls I don't know if I would have done it- I LOVE YOU TO THE MOON & BACK Breann, Baylee Kathleen, & Maddison thank you for making me the best mom I can be! "Don't tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon!" Can't wait to say, "Look ma I DID IT!"    Cousin Jen is Bob's daughter, Eugene "Eckie Bud" and Julia's granddaughter, Edward and Ethyl's great-granddaughter, George and Mary's great-great granddaughter, Lacy and Aggie's great-great-great granddaughter.  Much respect to you Jen.