Saturday, April 28, 2012

Cousin Jen

It can be said the women of this family and strong and determined. There are many stories of perseverance and achievement in every generation.   Here's a story about one of those strong women. This is Jen's story in her own words.  "TWO college degrees & on my way to receive THIRD, (shortly) not too bad for a "teen mom", if I do say so myself! I DID NOT participate in the MTV's series "teen mom", expect EVERYTHING for free! I DID receive child support for one child ('till HE gave up parental rights but have NEVER received any support for the other 2 girls!) I DO NOT condone teenage pregnancy (it's a living HELL to all girls who may reading this post) I took the hard road with help from my mamma Ethel, BUT I made it work, maybe it was 2 steps forward & 3 steps back, (a lot on the way since 1992!) On my way I have encountered racism, alcoholism, & divorcisim! (I just made that word up, HA!) but Don't EVER let someone tell you what you CAN & CAN'T DO-... Believe in YOURSELF and do what YOU ARE WILLING TO DO! With faith all things are possible, if it wasn't for my girls I don't know if I would have done it- I LOVE YOU TO THE MOON & BACK Breann, Baylee Kathleen, & Maddison thank you for making me the best mom I can be! "Don't tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon!" Can't wait to say, "Look ma I DID IT!"    Cousin Jen is Bob's daughter, Eugene "Eckie Bud" and Julia's granddaughter, Edward and Ethyl's great-granddaughter, George and Mary's great-great granddaughter, Lacy and Aggie's great-great-great granddaughter.  Much respect to you Jen.