I wanted to share our family history and stories and found a blog to be the easiest way to accomplish my goal. Feel free to read the various posts. Comments are encouraged and welcomed. I like sharing/telling the stories that have been told to me. It's always cool when you do the thing you like doing. I encourage everyone to make their dream a reality. Kick back, relax and enjoy your reading journey. Thank you!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
What Happens In Vegas...
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Happy Birthday, Grandma Ethyl

On November 10, 1899 in Jasper Ralls, Missouri, one hundred and ten years ago today, Edward and Pinkie (Doolen) Johnson welcomed their first born child, Ethyl Mae into the world. The family would move to Vandalia, Missouri and eventually Enterprise, Iowa. This is where Ethyl met Edward Cooley. They were married two weeks after her sixteenth birthday. After moving to Des Moines, Ethyl and Edward had four children; Veltirea, Eugene, Marvin and Doris. A quick glance of Ethyl's descendants shows thirteen grandchildren, thirty-one great grandchildren, fifty-one great-great grandchildren and six great-great-great grandchildren. A point of valuable information; members of this family born with an additional finger should know it comes from the Doolen side of the family. From Pinkie to Ethyl and from Ethyl to her children, the extra finger has passed to each generation. In my family, my mother and her brother had extra fingers. My sister and brother did not. I was the only grandchild of Veltirea to be born with it. I am interested in knowing how many more of my cousins had the extra digit. Back to the my great grandmother. From what I've been told, I know she was a kind individual with a loving spirit. For as much as she was a giving individual, I know that she was a very strong-willed woman. Her point would be heard and her position was unwavering. Grandma Cooley taught her children about loving of one another, respect and the importance of family. Her children learned the lesson well and they taught their children and so on and so on. Let me share this with you. This happened when I was in high school. Having typical teenager angst about my looks, I wanted to change my nose. When I spoke to my grandmother about this, she told me my nose reminded her of her mother's nose. I don't know if it was true or not, but out of respect to the memory of this great woman, I decided I didn't want to change one thing about myself. My nose was just fine. It gave me a closer connection to my great grandmother. I felt I had something in common with her. That was okay with me! So, on this day, the one hundred and tenth year of her birth, we honor Ethyl Mae Johnson Cooley's birth with love and respect. Happy Birthday, Great Grandma Cooley.

Saturday, November 7, 2009
Some Folks Got A Little Older

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Let Me Clear My Throat...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Happy Birthday, Dideo

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Aunt Mac
Cooley - Johnson Family Reunion 2009

Timmy and Larry
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Reunion News...
I'm not sure if this has been made clear, but I'll try. At this point, Armon is not requesting any help with the reunion meal. He has the menu planned and is ready to prepare it. There are options available for those that don't eat pork products. He does have one request for the family. Beverages and ice will be needed, so I'd suggest bringing that. I have some news -- I won't be able to attend this years reunion. I'll need someone to take pictures and get them to me. Thanks.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Happy Birthday, Michael!!!

It's one day late, but I have to acknowledge the birthday of one of the family members. Michael celebrates "the last of the forties" birthday. Like Tony, next year he will walk into the fabulous fifties. Michael is the grandson (and youngest grandchild) of Edward and Ethyl (Johnson) Cooley. His parents are Frank and D. Maxine (Cooley) and the brother of Kevin. Though a day late, I wish him much peace, many blessings and an abundance of love.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
The Cooley-Johnson Family Reunion 2009

Miss Fine and Beautiful

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Edward Marvin Cooley

I never met my great-grandfather, but I feel as though I know him. He died a little more than six months before the world and my family were blessed with ME. Grandpa Cooley was born August 4, 1894 in Coaling, Alabama. My family was so large, the small town was known as "Cooley" because there were so many Cooleys living there. From Coaling, the family migrated to Missouri and finally settled in Enterprise, Iowa. This is where Edward met Ethyl Johnson, the woman who would become his wife and mother to four of his children. My great-grandfather was a coal miner for many years. An accident in the mines severed a part of his leg. With a settlement he received for his injuries, he purchased a small grocery store, "Cooley's" in Des Moines. A door may have closed, but a window opened. Grandpa and Grandma Cooley worked hard in the store. Grandma Cooley, being a woman with a loving spirit and generous heart, would not allow her neighbors to go hungry. Though the customers would have little or no money, Grandma Cooley would extend them credit for their purchases. A fine idea, but credit purchases do NOT pay the bills. Within a few short years the store closed. Down, but not out, Grandpa Cooley continued to provide for his wife and children. No deadbeat father here - no sir. As I stated, I never met him but feel like I know him. Much of the values he instilled in his children they instilled in theirs. Of course that continued to the next generation and so on and so on. On this day, on what would be his 105th birthday, I honor his memory with this post. Happy Birthday, Grandpa Cooley.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Cooley-Johnson Family Reunion 2009
It's official. We have a date, location and a time for the reunion this year. Armon confirmed the details this morning. We'll gather at the Martin Luther King Park, 1650 Garfield Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa. EASTSIDE, BABY!!! Put a big red circle around September 19th on your calendar. Everything will kick off at 2:00pm, with dinner being served between 3-3:30pm. There will more information mailed out soon. Feel free to send me an email with your contact information. I want to ensure all the family is "in the know" for the reunion. A fun time will be had by all.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Here's Kevin

Monday, July 27, 2009
Someone Is Turning Another Year Better

Once upon a time, a long time ago, there lived a little girl in the Brewster Projects in Detroit, Michigan. Oh wait, that's not this little girl. That's another diva. This young lady here had her life change the moment she saw The Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show. When she saw John, Paul, George and Ringo perform she was hooked. She knew it's what she wanted to do. With encouragement from family members, she took music lessons. Those lessons would prove valuable later in life. They provided her the opportunity to travel throughout the world and meet various people in the entertainment industry. "All I want to do is play music." That's been her mantra for years. Find your passion in life and live it! Make it a reality. I learned that from her. On this day, I would like to extend a birthday greeting. Happy Birthday Cheryl. Much happiness today and everyday.

"...and the passion for the music continues!"
Sunday, July 26, 2009
I Have Something For You

Monday, July 20, 2009
Happy Birthday Akya, Michelle and Nechelle

There are times things slip my mind. I don't blame it on my age (43 and looking damn good), short attention span or someone else. Hey, I forget. To my defense, when I was at the casino with a buddy, I said, "There is some significance to July 18th, but I don't remember." I knew there was something special about the day. At the time it didn't occur to me what made the date notable. That's my story and I'm stickin to it. It took a couple of days, but I figured it out. Saturday was Michelle and her daughter Nechelle's birthday. Ha-ha, I remembered. The fact that I was a couple of days late means nothing. So, with all that said, Happy Birthday Akya (July15). Happy Birthday Shelley. Happy Birthday Nechelle. The three young ladies are from the Eugene Cooley branch of the family. Donna (daughter of Eugene) is the mother of Shelley. Nechelle is the daughter of Shelley. Akya is the daughter of Rob and Rob is Donna's son. I don't have a picture of Akya, but Rob is going to get one to me soon.
Pictures: Nechelle and Shelley
The Four Cooleys

This is the only know picture of Ethyl and Edward Cooley's four children together. This was taken at their grandfather, Edward Johnson's farm sometime after 1931. From oldest to youngest pictured; Veltirea Leonia, Marvin De Forrest, Eugene Lawrence and Doris Maxine Cooley. Veltirea married Dr J. Walter Thompson and had two children; Snookie and Vicki. Marvin married Bessie Colbert and had two children; Marlene and Cheryl. Eugene married Helen Anderson and had three children; Donna, Larry and Connie. Eugene and his second wife Julia Rumley had three children; Bobby, Darlene and Veltirea. Doris married Frank Guess and had two children; Kevin and Michael. There are a total of fourteen Cooley grandchildren. That's the easy number. The total number of great and great-great Cooley grandchildren is much larger. One day I intend to get the names of each great and great-great grandchild. Today ain't that day.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Happy Birthday Justin!!!

If I'm certain of one thing, I know my "little" cousin is going to enjoy celebrating his birthday. Don't let the kewl exterior fool you. This man likes to have a good time and ensure all around him are doing the same. It's safe to save a fun time will be had by all. Happy Birthday, Justin. Much peace, many blessings and an abundance of love - today and every day.
I'd Like To Say...
A big HELLO from me. I enjoy writing so much. I started this blog as a way to share family stories and information. That's the problem. With so much information; documents, photographs, census information, it's not so easy to sit and write about one person. There are so many from which to choose. I want to include (especially for the members that are no longer with us) as much documentation as possible. I promise there will be more family stories and pictures in the near future. As always continue to check the blog every couple of days. You just never know when I'll post some tales of the fam.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Happy Birthday Leah!!!
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