There are times things slip my mind. I don't blame it on my age (43 and looking damn good), short attention span or someone else. Hey, I forget. To my defense, when I was at the casino with a buddy, I said, "There is some significance to July 18th, but I don't remember." I knew there was something special about the day. At the time it didn't occur to me what made the date notable. That's my story and I'm stickin to it. It took a couple of days, but I figured it out. Saturday was Michelle and her daughter Nechelle's birthday. Ha-ha, I remembered. The fact that I was a couple of days late means nothing. So, with all that said, Happy Birthday Akya (July15). Happy Birthday Shelley. Happy Birthday Nechelle. The three young ladies are from the Eugene Cooley branch of the family. Donna (daughter of Eugene) is the mother of Shelley. Nechelle is the daughter of Shelley. Akya is the daughter of Rob and Rob is Donna's son. I don't have a picture of Akya, but Rob is going to get one to me soon.
Pictures: Nechelle and Shelley