For quite a few years the family gathered on this weekend to enjoy The Cooley-Johnson Pre-Thanksgiving Dinner in Des Moines. Two weeks before Thanksgiving the Cooleys and Johnsons would come together for a big feast. The food at these dinners would consist of many delicious, traditional favorites. One year something new was served at dinner - ELK. Cousin Jenny and her husband prepared this additional side meat for the family. Tony had a large HUNK of it on his plate. I had turkey and dressing with a pile of greens on mine. There was no room for the "roast beast" on my plate.

We enjoyed the dinner and talked with the cousins not seen in a while. Cousin Marc asked Tony, "Hey Cuz, how do you like that roast?" Tony replied, "Aww man, this is good." That's when Marc asked if he ever, "had ELK before or was this the first time?" Tony's eyes grew
WIDE open! It seems he didn't know that "roast beef" was ELK. Tony looked at me and asked, "Why didn't you tell me this was ELK, Timmy?" He's funny! We had a good laugh about it and my brother continued to eat and enjoy the ELK. I thought about that family gathering when I looked out the window this morning and saw the
SNOW. This is the weekend we'd be together in Des Moines. Seeing the snow makes me happy to be home chillin this year.