My "kid" brother is fifty years old today. WOW! That man is getting older and sure ain't gettin no prettier! That's a joke we share with each other. We get a good laugh when I say it to him. It's good to laugh with my brother, my friend. Tony is a cool, laid back and pretty easy going man. There is the time when he gets very excited and yells. When he watches a football or basketball game it's not a quiet occasion. This brotha gets completely involved in the game, yelling at the television as if he's at the game. The same is true if you call him on the phone. If a point is scored or there's a bad call on the play, the man is LOUD in your ear! Once the game is over, it's all quiet again. Make some noise Tony! You're fifty and that's a blessing. As you celebrate turning another year older, wiser and better, I wish you much peace, much love and a bounty of blessings too many to count.