I don't know the exact date, but "Uncle Harry" will celebrate his birthday this month. Harry isn't my real uncle. He is in fact my cousin-in-law. Let's see, that makes Harry the great-great-grandson-in-law of Lacy Cooley. Notice the common thread here -- it all goes back to Lacy Cooley.
When Harry is around, you know you'll have a good time. Time spent with Harry ensures non-stop laughter. Harry has a story for every occasion, every subject at any time! He's always ready to share one or seven with you. I think that's rather impressive. There's another thing about Harry that makes me a fan. If you happen to drop in at the right time, Harry will serve you some of the BEST greens this side of the Mississippi. It's enough to make you want to slap your momma and throw your pocketbook at the preacher. I ain't lying - his greens are THE BOMB! So I'm always pleased to walk into Harry's house, take off my shoes, pull up a chair, have a plate of greens with a little vinegar, a couple of table onions, some cornbread and a few funny stories served on the side. Have you ever tried to eat greens and laugh at the same time? It ain't easy - pot liquor goes everywhere!