I am going to share something only an insider would know. My grandmother smoked for effect and not for the taste or desire. To watch her inhale and immediately exhale would be a hint. One other thing she would do was allow the smoke to billow slowly from her lips. Yep, all lies!!! She didn't inhale! I remember a few of the brands she tried. BENSON & HEDGES was the first brand I can recall. Years later she smoked "tall" cigarettes. Her all time favorites would be MORE MENTHOL and EVE MENTHOL LIGHT.

In 1972 we took a trip to Kewanee, Illinois to attend The Watts Family Reunion. We posed for many pictures at Aunt Daisy and Uncle Barney's house. This one shows Veltirea and her cigarette, which is more for show than smoking. I told her secret and I know she's giving me "THE VELTIREA EYE" -- I can feel it.