Once upon a time, a long time ago, there lived a little girl in the Brewster Projects in Detroit, Michigan. Oh wait, that's not this little girl. That's another diva. This young lady here had her life change the moment she saw The Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show. When she saw John, Paul, George and Ringo perform she was hooked. She knew it's what she wanted to do. With encouragement from family members, she took music lessons. Those lessons would prove valuable later in life. They provided her the opportunity to travel throughout the world and meet various people in the entertainment industry. "All I want to do is play music." That's been her mantra for years. Find your passion in life and live it! Make it a reality. I learned that from her. On this day, I would like to extend a birthday greeting. Happy Birthday Cheryl. Much happiness today and everyday.

"...and the passion for the music continues!"