I have a friend with green thumbs, for real. I've seen what he's been able to do in his garden and it's pretty incredible. To say the man has talent is an understatement. It seems as though whatever he puts his hands on grows and flourishes effortlessly. Granted this brother is a horticulturalist, so that may be the reason he has the ability to grow anything, anything at all. Growing flowers and plants is not easy. It takes time and great patience. Yeah, I don't think I'm all too patient when it comes to growing things. I once killed a cactus (too much water or not enough - still not sure), and I'm greatly impressed with his knowledge and ability to cultivate plants and flowers. I'll correct myself and say all things growing. Nicholas takes pride in his garden and lawn and he should. He's put in a lot of time and physical labor to achieve the end results. He shared pictures of his latest plantings with me and I'm sharing them with you. I'm thinking I may try growing a plant again. Next weekend I'm going to buy a houseplant. I should be able to keep it alive/growing much longer than the cactus. Trust, I'll ask "Mr Green Thumbs" plenty of questions to ensure the plant will live. Nice pictures, Nicholas. You make it look easy.