You see, I was born by the river in a little tent. And just like the river I've been running ev'ry since. Oh wait, that's a Sam Cooke song. I'll focus. A lot has happened since my last post in April. Much has prevented my posting new stories or family history. Nothing bad, in fact life has been good. I've been BUSY! Between work and life outside of work; various events and travel - there's been little time for me to settle in and write. Writing is something I enjoy. I've stated several times the reason for this blog is to indulge the inner writer in me. Time to let that kat come to the surface and shine again.
Who knew two years ago this blog would take on the life it has? Though the original intent was for family to view it, family, friends and family friends became regular readers. To each one I want to say, "Thank you." Others showing an interest in what I've written inspires me to write more. Summer is here (and the time is right), so look for more posts. I've got some important dates to acknowledge, which I didn't in the past months. I'll make certain to get to it. Look out, Tim's back and he's got some pictures to share and stories to tell. There's more to come in the days ahead.
Much appreciation and love,