Members of this family have worshiped in homes of various denominations throughout the years. As for Veltirea and her children, the chosen faith without hesitation or discussion was Baptist, period. I was never discouraged from asking questions about religions. There are notable differences but similarities as well. I will say there wasn't much discussion about Catholicism in my family. In fact, let's say there was none. My parents and grandparents never took me to the Cathedral of Saint Paul. It was a BIG church we passed on our journeys of the day. It was a mystery and I wanted to solve it. I wanted to go inside the church. My time eventually arrived to walk through the doors. I was studying architectural and engineering technology at Saint Paul Technical Vocational Institute - TVI (what is present day Saint Paul College) and given an assignment to visit this behemoth of a church structure. I'll say it's big for Midwest standards. Up close I saw this mysterious place in a different light. I found the exterior to be dirty and old. The interior was cold, large and rigid. Not quite what I envisioned in all the years I saw it from a passing vehicle.
The Cathedral of Saint Paul | | | | | | | | | |
This is the Cathedral live and in color on a rainy Saturday morning in March. Some years back the entire structure was refurbished. I must admit the building looks much better now. Feel free to take a look at the website for the church.