Grandpa has been in my thoughts lately. I guess that means it's time to share a story about him. Grandpa loved and spoiled me greatly. If there was something I THOUGHT I wanted, he made certain I had it. I always enjoyed spending time with him when I was a little boy. I recall a time my grandmother asked my grandfather to go to the store to get a couple of things. Grandpa went to Tom Thumb and I tagged right along. He got the bread and half & half grandma wanted him to get and I got a Suzy-Q and cherry slush. When we completed our purchases, I got to sit on his lap and drive the red Chevy Impala home. I didn't pay attention to where we were heading, I watched his foot pressing the gas and brake pedals. Grandpa told me it was more important to pay attention to the road and less to his foot. I quickly looked ahead and steered the big red car down the street. We took pictures when we got home from the store. I'm using some those pictures in this post. They remind me of that fun day with Grandpa.