I do not have children of my own, but my nephews have been like my children. Anthony was the first baby I ever watched - ALONE. He's very much alive and doing well, so I did a pretty good job watching him. It prepared me for the arrival of Maurice twelve years later. Today, Maurice is celebrating his sixteenth birthday!

I remember that early morning call from Toyia, telling me she had given birth. Who knew you'd want to talk on the phone after such a life altering experience??? I noticed this strange sound in the background while she was talking. I asked what the hell it was, and she told me it was her baby - crying. Those little lungs were working overtime! Later that day I went to the hospital to meet my newest nephew. "Toyia had a baby!" That's all I could say when I saw him.
I have watched him grow from a newborn into teenager. I am proud of the young man he is becoming. Maurice is doing well in school, he volunteers his time in the community and he has a firm idea of making a successful life for himself. His dream is to attend college and he knows what is necessary to make that dream a reality. If I had a son, I'd want him to be like Maurice. Happy Birthday, Maurice. Uncle loves you very much!