Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Jessica!!!

Happy Birthday, Jessica. Jess is the great-granddaughter of Eugene and Helen (nee Anderson) Cooley. I have witnessed first hand her ability to speak her mind, "the Cooley way." I see a promising future for this young lady. I have to teach her one small thing; I require a complete pound of bacon for breakfast. I don't usually share, but I will her. Stick with me, Jess. I'll make sure there is plenty of bacon.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Anna Belle Burns Lites Harris

On March 19, 1907, Anna Belle Burns was born to thirteen year old Victoria Cooley and thirty-eight year old Lee Burns in Bevier, Missouri. Lee was married with children and couldn't provide much help to Victoria for the care of their baby. To earn money, Victoria begin working in the kitchen of the local train station. After living with Uncle Harry and his family for three years (more on him later), Anna Belle was sent to live with her grandfather George Cooley, his wife Mary, and their three children; Edward, Curtis and Georgia Elizabeth.

By 1920, Anna Belle had moved to Des Moines with her mother and stepfather. It was about this time Anna Belle showed an interest in painting. She allowed her artistic talent to become a job for her. She found work painting china in department stores in downtown Des Moines. Anna Belle would continue hand painting china until her retirement. Anna Belle had two marriages in the course of her life. The first was to a man know only as "Lites." Mr Lites first name is unknown. For a brief time she and her husband lived in Detroit. Anna Belle had moved back to Des Moines when the marriage ended. Her second to Ike Harris lasted much longer. They stayed married until his death. Anna Belle had no children, but loved the children of cousin Edward and his wife Ethyl Cooley. Vel, Dideo, Eckie Bud, Maxine, their children and grandchildren were recipients of her love. From an early age she saw strength and unity in family. Her favorite quote was, "Don't do as I do, do as I say do." Wise words from a wise woman.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Vicki's Kids

Collectively, we are know as "Vicki's Kids." Of course we three have our very own unique
personalities. Thank God. A couple of things we do have in common are music and dancing.
I don't remember the exact year, but I clearly remember dancing with Toyia and Tony in our dining room at 914 Carroll. The Jackson 5 were on Carol Burnett and we couldn't sit and watch the show. We had to get up and do the bump and the robot like Michael, Jackie, Marlon, Tito's big ass, Jermaine and Randy were doing. I'm sure anyone that remembers watching the show would also recall getting up and dancing as well. The Jackson five were the "IT" group, period.

Michael was always, ALWAYS a talented performer. We may not have all wanted to be him, but we sure as shit wanted to dance just like him. I found a clip of the performance on YouTube. I'm posting it here, because when I think of Michael, I think how one saturday evening, in the 1970's My sister, brother and I were on one accord. For that moment were not growing "thought we were smart-ass" kids, but three people so enjoying the performance, we had to get up and dance. That was a good time for us. It has been a couple of years since the three of us have danced together. We last danced together in 2006. I feel it's time we danced again.

Friday, June 26, 2009

I'm Still Waiting

Hey fam! I wish I could report something about the reunion, but this year's organizer has not given me any information. This proves to be a little frustrating. We'd all like to know what's going on, for the purpose of planning for the event. I will make another attempt this weekend to get some answers. Hang in there! When I know something I'll be certain to post that information here.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mary Washington Cooley

I think we've all heard the story of the beginnings of our family in the small town of Coaling (also known as "Cooley"), Alabama. We're familiar with the Cooley side of the story, but this tidbit is about the Washington side of the family. The Washingtons, who are they? I'll tell you what I know. George Washington (He was named for which great American?) and his wife Gracie (nee Hargrove) had settled there to raise their family. Like the Cooleys, the Washingtons were a farming family. They were blessed with four daughters; Calladonia, Mary (born June 1874), Julia and Elizabeth. Once she was old enough, Mary would marry her neighbor, George Cooley in 1893. While living in Alabama the couple would have three children, but only two survived; Edward born in 1895 and Curtis born in 1899. In the early part of the twentieth century, the family would move to Missouri, where George would find work as a coal miner. This is where their daughter, Georgia Elizabeth "Lizzie" was born in 1904. George and Mary would move their family to Iowa in 1910, eventually settling in Enterprise. Unfortunately, Mary would not live to see her children grow up. She died in May of 1917. She is buried in Elmhurst Cemetery in Des Moines, Iowa.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Yes, We're Having A Family Reunion

I spoke with Armon and he assures me we're having a reunion this year. It's going to be in September. He's going to contact me with further information. I will be certain to forward the dates, times and location to the family. We shall see what it will be.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day! For all the fathers, father-like figures and the mothers that carried the load and made a way, this one is for you! Spend some time kicking back, relaxing and enjoying the day. I'm not a parent, but I plan to enjoy the day. Someone is going to barbeque and I want some! This is your day, dads. Enjoy it.

The Fathers from top to bottom; Edward Cooley, Marvin Cooley, Eugene Cooley, J. Walter Thompson and son Dennis, Tony and son Anthony

Saturday, June 20, 2009

A Couple of Cooley Cousins

I gave myself a day away from here. I wanted to ensure I'd have something fresh, or at the very least, interesting to write. Yeah well, it didn't work the way I thought it would. There are so many stories about the family I want to tell. My problem, which one do I tell??? While I think about it, here's a bit of news. Today, Bud's grand-daughter (Maria) and Velt's grandson, (Yours Truly) will spend some time together. We've not seen the other since the family reunion. A fun time will be had by all, I'm sure. Of course I'll take pictures. Oh -- that's a hint. I need more pics, family!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Helen Johnson

Edward and Pinkie (nee Doolen) Johnson had three children; Ethyl, Helen and Rex. This is Helen Johnson's Iowa Census card from 1915. What we learn from this card is Helen's age; 13, place of birth; Missouri, number of years in school; 9, residence; Enterprise, Iowa and number of years in Iowa; 1. Helen has been described as having an outgoing personality, long blond hair and piercing blue eyes. Unfortunately there are no pictures of her. Helen's life was a brief one. She was injured while playing with her classmates in Enterprise. Feeling better care could be given to her in town, she moved to Des Moines, with her newly married sister, Ethyl. It was there that she died. Helen Johnson is buried in Elmhurst Cemetery.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Make It Funky

smell this?"

In this picture, I know it looks like she's smelling something. She is! Cheryl had gone into "THE ZONE." At this performance, she made it FUNKY (or STANK for some of y'all). She takes you on a journey, with each note she plays. Hearing the music brings pleasure, but seeing Cheryl perform brings joy. Musician, composer, arranger, producer; she does it all. Impressive, huh? With knowledge, composure, strength - oh, and one small thing, TALENT, Cheryl continues to live and love her dream. "All I want to do is play music," is what she says. On occasion she likes an adult beverage. What's not to like about her???

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Another Year Better

Another cousin is turning another year better. Today is Robbie's birthday. I'll not reveal the man's age, but he is older than me, by a couple of years. Rob and I share the same passion for family history. We like to know as much about our family as we can. I'd post more pics of the kat, but he hasn't sent any, Hey Rob, I need more pics!!! Much peace, many blessings and an abundance of love, are my wishes for you Robbie. All the best!

Happy Birthday, Robbie!

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Brothers

Every generation of this family has those special brother bonds. Thru the good and bad times, the brothers stick together. Pinkie Doolen Johnson can be credited with instilling a sense of togetherness, forgiveness and above all else, LOVE in her children. Those three very important "keys" have been passed down to each generation. All of these brothers (Johnson, Cooley and Thompson) have togetherness not witnessed in many families. This family has been BLESSED many times over. Like any family, we don't always see eye to eye.

Hell, we'll even fuss about it. Given a little time and cooler heads, it all seems to work itself out. To all the brothers of this fam, let's continue to love one another and others. Don't let hard feelings prevent us from being the "kool kats" we're destined to be.

The Brothers from top to bottom; Frank and Edward Johnson, Eugene and Marvin Cooley, Rev Earnest and Dr J.Walter Thompson, Bobby and Larry, Tim and Tony, Justin and Terry

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ease On Down The Road

Go ahead and laugh!!! LOL This was taken more than a few years ago. I had HAIR back then. I'm not sure if we (the high top/gumby haircut and I) are going to Des Moines or returning??? It was a trip down for Drake Relays. It had been years since I'd been "home" and I was excited about the return. As a child, Des Moines seemed so big to me. Not bigger than the Twin Cities, but a large city nonetheless. As we pulled into "town," I realized it was not so big to me, now that I was a grown man. Des Moines did not shrink. I realized my memories of it were thru a child's eyes. It seemed to be so big to me at age six. Everything became more proportional as an adult. Not a big or little city, not a small or large town. It was simply Des Moines. Seeing my grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins was the best part of the trip. It was time well spent with good people. As an adult, this was the first trip I had taken with Snookie and a fun time was had by all. We may take long overdue roadtrip in a couple of weeks. If all goes according to plan, the two of us will be going to Lawrence, Kansas. The purpose of the trip is for family research. As early as 1880, members of the family lived in Lawrence. Some of the family homes are still standing today. I always want to know more about the family history. I've got to check this out and of course take pictures. We shall see what it will be.

Family Reunion

Yesterday, I was talking with a friend about the upcoming family reunion. The location is the same, but the dates changed. Not a problem. It's always nice to get together with the family, eat some food, have a couple of adult beverages and fellowship. An event to look forward to each year. Not long ago, a reliable source told me there may NOT be a reunion this year. That's f*&$ed up! I'm hoping the one in charge can get their sh!t together and make it happen. The reunion encourages the family to come together for a joyous occasion. So, i'm going to do my part to assist. I'd like to offer a few tips for my cousin, the organizer.
  • Do you need help? We're here! As a family, we work well together and can make it happen.
  • When in doubt, talk to someone that knows how to do it. Call Donna - a.s.a.p.
  • Communicate. You have to let the family know what's up at all stages of the planning.
  • Do you have a plan? If you don't have one now -- you'd better get to work fast! Time is of the essence.
  • Still not sure what to do? If none of these suggestions proves useful -- you're screwed, but not chopped. No matter, you're still loved.
  • Saturday, June 13, 2009

    Seventy-five years ago today...

    On June 13, 1934 in
    Polk County, Iowa

    Mister John Walter Thompson, of Lawrence, Kansas & Miss Veltirea Leonia Cooley, of Des Moines, Iowa were united in
    holy matrimony.

    Birds do it, bees do it...

    Ted & Maria

    Sources close to this blogger have photographic proof a wedding took place in Las Vegas, Nevada on May 30, 2009. That's the day Maria and Ted tied the knot. Congratulations and Best Wishes! The newlyweds have known each other, since they were children living in Saint Paul. After several years of being apart, the two were drawn together again. The newlyweds will reside in the jewel of the upper midwest; North Dakota. On behalf of the entire "COOLEY CLAN" -- Welcome to the family, Ted.

    p.s. Maria has many brothers and male cousins that love and respect her. We know you'll do the same.

    Friday, June 12, 2009

    Maurice graduates from eighth grade!

    It's hard to believe this young man graduated from middle school with honors last friday evening. Not because of the honors, but because he's reached this milestone. Next stop - high school. I clearly remember each step of his educational path. We took pictures on his very first day of school a few years ago. Actually, it was more than a few years ago, but who remembers the exact number??? Toyia, Maurice Sr and I watched him get on the school bus and we got a little teary-eyed. When I told Grandma, she said we were "silly" for crying. Be that as it may, we three were touched by the moment. At fourteen, he begins another stage in his life.

    He did it!

    A kiss for luck, and you're on your way. Congratulations, Maurice!!! We are so very proud of your accomplishments.

    Happy Birthday, SJ!!!

    On this twelfth day of June, we celebrate the birthday of Shawn. He has finally made it into the 40 Club. Welcome to the better years of life, Shawn. Happy Birthday.

    Stop Doggin Me Around

    Listening to music will remind you of days gone by. I found a song, "Stop Doggin Me Around" by Klique on Imeem.com. Originally, the song was recorded by Jackie Wilson in the 1950's. When the newer version of the song was released in 1983, I remember going to Montgomery Ward, in Midway Shopping Center, with Grandma to buy the album. She heard the song on the radio, and decided she wanted it. Going to buy the album didn't mean that was it. No, we had to look at other albums as well. I didn't understand WHY we had to look at almost all of them? When I purchased music, i'd get the one or two albums or forty-fives I wanted and head home. Grandma wanted to look at several artists, not just one. Once we were home, Grandma took her album from the paper bag and looked at the jacket; front to back. Meanwhile, Grandpa and I waited to listen to the song. A song she liked very much. One that made her purchase the entire album for it. We thought she wanted to listen to the song a.s.a.p. She liked Jackie Wilson's version, but she "very pleased" with the "new folks" remake. After reading the back, Grandma ran her thumbnail along the side of the jacket. She reached in and pulled out the album with the inner sleeve still intact. Another road block -- Grandma wanted to read the lyrics. No point in rushing her. She would not and could not be rushed. Grandpa said, "Vel, are you gonna play the record or keep holding it?" As only Grandma could do, she gave a roll of her eyes and an intense stare. She didn't say a word, but the understanding was there, "I'll play it when I'm damned good and ready." She took her time. Grandma removed the album from the sleeve and placed it on the spindle of the Philco Radio/Record and Eight Track Player. After moving the arm over, she pressed play. The record dropped, the needle gently landed and soon Howard Huntsberry could be heard singing, "You'd better stop, girl... doggin me around..." Grandma sat next to the record player and kept beat on her leg with her hand. She listened to the song a few more times and decided to play her Wes Montgomery eight track tapes. It's years later and much has changed. That old Philco Radio/Record/Eight Track Tape Player is long gone. I can spend hours in a store looking at music and never grow tired. One of those things I inherited from Grandma.