I wanted to share our family history and stories and found a blog to be the easiest way to accomplish my goal. Feel free to read the various posts. Comments are encouraged and welcomed. I like sharing/telling the stories that have been told to me. It's always cool when you do the thing you like doing. I encourage everyone to make their dream a reality. Kick back, relax and enjoy your reading journey.
Thank you!
One of the many good things that happened on the trip to Des Moines, was a visit with Aunt Mac. It has been almost fifteen years since I've seen her. It was nice to sit and talk with her, though I must admit I had little to say. I think I was more in awe. That doesn't happen often to me, but when I have those "quiet moments" I know I am supposed to be still and absorb. That's exactly what I did. I wanted to take in every detail of the visit. I was happy to spend the time with my grandmother's sister. Thanks to Cousin Larry for making this happen.
I did not take pictures this year, but I did find someone that did. Of course I did what I'm supposed to do -- make copies and share them here. The young ones in these pictures are the great-great-great-great grandchildren of Lacy and Aggie (Lewis) Cooley, John and Nancy (Crouden) Johnson. The family continues to grow. Looking into these young faces, you can see characteristics of relatives from the previous generations. The one thing each one of us possesses is the "Cooley Spirit of Independence." Long before Frank Sinatra, each one of us could say we did it, "my way." Looking into the eyes of this generation, I see things that remind me of myself and other relatives as well. It's safe to say it's genetics. The kids had a great time and the adults enjoyed themselves as well. Cousin Armon provided a feast second to none. This one man cooking machine set one incredible table, filled with so much delicious food! Other family members contributed, but the majority of the food was prepared by him. Another family tradition continues -- good cooks. I will place Armon in the ranks of all the other good cooks in the family.
I have a great amount of love, respect and admiration for this man, my cousin. If you have ever had a person to stay in your life, with all your ups and downs, then you most certainly can relate to what I'm telling you. My cousin Larry is that person. That's my dude. Much has been said about him. Hell, a lot has been said about me. At the end of the day, who cares? We're family and that's all that counts. Not taking no for an answer, Larry and his son Justin drove to Minnesota to get me. He made a way for me to attend the family reunion this year. I stayed with Cousin Larry and his family. I enjoyed each moment I spent with them and the other relatives. As I have been known to say, "A fun time was had by all." To my cousin, my buddy, my friend, "Thank you."