The clip I have attached to this post made me laugh. Here's why - it was predictable. Here's the scenario; with hidden cameras in place, an actor portrays a thief stealing a bike in a city park. Many people are around, some actually ask the "the thief" if the bike belongs to him. Pay attention to the reaction both thieves receive. I laughed when the gang of good white people STOPPED the brotha from taking the bike. They are a lynch mob of good, proud, honest Americans.
I wanted to share our family history and stories and found a blog to be the easiest way to accomplish my goal. Feel free to read the various posts. Comments are encouraged and welcomed. I like sharing/telling the stories that have been told to me. It's always cool when you do the thing you like doing. I encourage everyone to make their dream a reality. Kick back, relax and enjoy your reading journey. Thank you!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Counting The Days

Some people wouldn't understand my excitement for visiting Des Moines, Iowa. It's beyond anyone's level of comprehension I'm sure. That's cool. I like to visit for a couple of reasons. I enjoy seeing the family -- that's a given. There's much family history to explore and experience. I'm starting my to do list today. I'm looking forward to the trip to Des Moines. I'm saying now, a fun time will be had by all.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
A Sneak Peek
Friday, September 24, 2010
Further On Down The Road...

It's been more than a year since my last trip to Des Moines. I am working my plan to return next month. I'm calling this trip the "UNOFFICIAL FAMILY REUNION TOUR." It's a matter of dotting the i's and crossing the t's to make this all come together. Maria is working her plan to make the trip as well. It will be nice to spend time with the family. I'm looking forward to the good times with the peeps.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
The Windmills Of Iowa

If all can come together, a group of COOLEY COUSINS will go to Des Moines in October. I was the passenger and not the driver for my last trip to Des Moines. I like that! Cooley Cousin Justin is welcomed to be the chauffeur for any trip. It's a great feeling to sit back and leave the driving to someone else. One of the joys of that trip was the windmills. Yes, I said WINDMILLS. I have noticed them on each of my trips to and from Des Moines. When you're driving you're not able to look for long periods. As a passenger I took my time and got a good look at them. I don't know how much land they're on, but they seem to go on and on for miles and miles...
Sunday, September 12, 2010
You are NOT a Cooley Cousin
I received a reply from Sigmund Cooley. I thought this was going to the missing piece to our family history puzzle. We are NOT related. My quest for the Michigan Cooleys continues...
Saturday, September 11, 2010
We Shall See...

I've been digging and digging around the Cooley Family tree roots for some time now. Over the years I've acquired the names of potential descendants of Uncle Curtis. Funny how things happen. I was looking thru my notes for the previous post and three names of Cooleys fell out. I didn't think much of it. I was about to put the names away, but I stopped myself. I decided to search the names on facebook, where I found all three! I sent a message to one, Sigmund Cooley. If he is, we'll know the story of what happened to Uncle Curtis' family. If not, the search continues. We shall see what it will be. Keep your fingers crossed.
What Is A Cooley?
I guess the grammatically correct way to say it is, "Who is a Cooley?" I can give the basics. We are the descendants of Lacy Cooley. Great-great-great Grandpaw Cooley had a couple of wives (Laura and Aggie - nee Lewis) and eight children; Seward, Derunia, Nashrum, Ruth, Bryce, George, Letta and Mark. To break it down more, we are the descendants of George and his wife Mary(nee Washington). It all began in the tiny town of Coaling, Alabama. George and Mary with sons Edward and Curtis moved from Coaling to Missouri in the early part of the Twentieth Century. George worked in the coal mines and Mary stayed home with the children, which included daughter Georgia Elizabeth "Lizzie". The family moved to Iowa around 1910. They lived outside of Ottumwa and eventually settled in Enterprise, Iowa - northeast of Des Moines. This is where Edward Cooley and Ethyl Johnson met.

Family Register Page of the Cooley Family Bible
On November 24, 1915 Edward and Ethyl were married in Uncle Frank's (Johnson) home by Reverend Bolling of Mount Olive Baptist Church. Edward and Ethyl Cooley had four children; Veltirea, Marvin, Eugene and Doris. That's it in a nutshell. Let's move on to our questions and answers section.

Question: So, who would be a Cooley?
Answer: Anyone that can trace their lineage to Lacy Cooley.

Question: Does your last name have to be Cooley to be one?
Answer: Of course not! My last name isn't Cooley, but I will tell anyone, "I'm a Cooley." Several years ago, one of the Cooley cousins (she had the Cooley last name) told me I wasn't a Cooley -- at all. When I told Grandma Vel what the cousin said, her reply was, "I don't know what the hell she's talking about? You're just as much a Cooley as she is, or MORE!"

Question: How do you identify a Cooley?
Answer: That's easy! The person walking with their head held high is more than likely a Cooley.

They are filled with COOLEYLOVE and COOLEYPRIDE.

Family Register Page of the Cooley Family Bible
On November 24, 1915 Edward and Ethyl were married in Uncle Frank's (Johnson) home by Reverend Bolling of Mount Olive Baptist Church. Edward and Ethyl Cooley had four children; Veltirea, Marvin, Eugene and Doris. That's it in a nutshell. Let's move on to our questions and answers section.

Question: So, who would be a Cooley?
Answer: Anyone that can trace their lineage to Lacy Cooley.

Question: Does your last name have to be Cooley to be one?
Answer: Of course not! My last name isn't Cooley, but I will tell anyone, "I'm a Cooley." Several years ago, one of the Cooley cousins (she had the Cooley last name) told me I wasn't a Cooley -- at all. When I told Grandma Vel what the cousin said, her reply was, "I don't know what the hell she's talking about? You're just as much a Cooley as she is, or MORE!"

Question: How do you identify a Cooley?
Answer: That's easy! The person walking with their head held high is more than likely a Cooley.

They are filled with COOLEYLOVE and COOLEYPRIDE.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
This Just In...
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