Today is Marvin Gaye's birthday. No, he's not a Cooley (I don't think???), but I have been a fan of his for years. Yep, going back to my earliest memories of his music. That was around 1972, which was the year, "What's Going On" was released. A memory that comes to mind is a summer day at our house at 914 Carroll Ave. It was the weekend, because I remember we were up early and cleaning. My dad was playing music (typical) and one album that dropped down the spindle was Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell's greatest hits record. I instantly like what I heard. The way those two would volley a lyric back and forth -- it's not easy, but they made it sound effortless on every song. That was one early memory. I recall hearing, "Let's Get It On" and begin to think he was talking about some hot, sweaty, sexual relations! I had to listen to that song a couple of times. As I grew older, my love for Marvin's music grew as well. He really could do no wrong - each song was a hit. Okay, I never really liked, "Rockin After Midnight." That aside, his music was good and I enjoyed it. Now, I don't mean to make fun of the dead, but Marvin taught us a very valuable lesson in his death. When your parents say, "I brought you into this world, and I'll take you out." they mean that. Mr Gaye shot his son because his son hit him. The whole situation is a sad one, but we still have the man's music. He left so many great songs. So, I'd like to say, "Happy Birthday, Marvin" and "Thank you for all the great songs you wrote and recorded." He is a legend.
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