There was a time I worked with a woman that made my workday hellish. One day in particular, she made things very difficult for me. In a heated moment, I allowed my reply to this woman to be peppered with profanity. I came close to cussing her completely out, but I didn't. It's not something to be proud of, but I felt I had been pushed to the point. My supervisor suggested I take a longer than usual lunch break to calm down. I decided to go home and take a nap. While I was asleep, my great grandmother paid me a visit. I felt the bed go down when she sat on the side. Great Grandma Ethyl patted my hand and told me I knew better than to act the way I had been acting. I tried pleading my case, thinking she'd understand my point.

She wasn't having any of that. Great Grandma Ethyl suggested I would, "...most certainly know this isn't acceptable behavior." She looked at me and smiled. I was told to behave and that she'd see me later. About the time she stood up is about the time my dog Bud barked. I woke up and looked around the room for her. Bud continued to bark and wag his tail. I believe Ethyl's presence was felt by Bud as well. The rest of my workday went without an issue or problem. I wanted to share MY personal story of Ethyl on her birthday. We've not physically met, but I assure you we're connected. Happy Birthday, Great Grandma!
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